Brand India: A Global Destination


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The future of global economics is becoming more and more dependent upon Asia’s which India is playing an increasingly important role. Goldman Sachs had predicted that Indiaa would emerge an ecomomic super power by 2050. The 2010Goldman Sachs report states about Brazil,Russia,India and China-A Road in 2050as follows: if everything goes sommthly these four countries will become the most attractive region in the world for placing direct as well as portfolio investment. This prediction is well on its way to coming true,a young demographic profile coupled with the unshackling of Indian economy is having a tremendours effect on the worls ecomomic outlook.Today m Indian economiy is having a termendous effect on the worls dstination. Dr Manmohan Singh and Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia under the Narsimha Rao Government had moved Towards a free market economy. Olss rules of the game have been discarded and new rules have been made. The last decade has seen India emerge stronger on the worls map, especially during the global financial meltdown when the country weathered the crisis much to the admiration of the world.India today stands poised at the threshold of change. India has emerged as one of the decisive natioms shaping the contours of the world economy.Consistently charting a growth path over the last few years, Brand India is and idea whose time has truly arrived. Today the triumph of Brand India is visible in almost all fields. With some aggressive cross-border acquisitions. Indis has been rewriting the global business equations. India has estalished its leadership in IT and knowledge- based industries globally and has the fastest growing population of worders and consumers. With huge investments in infrastructure development on the anvil, India today is a preferred investment destination. It has one of the world’s most rapidly growing markets, and today, Indian products and services are recognized for their quality all over the world.



1. Marketing of Bihar Tourism-ABuddhist Destination Transforming to Leisure Destination. –Mr.Md.Anisur Rahman
2. Capital Structure and Profitability:An Empirical Study of BSE Listed Companies.-Dr.Sanjay Kavishwar


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Dr. Dattajirao Yashwantrao Patil,

Dr. Govind P. Shinde,

Dr. Manisha Dubey Shukla,

Dr. Vaishali Patil,

Prof. J.C. Sharma


Himalaya pub