We have great pleasure in presenting First edition “Business Analytics” written for students of UG courses. The related matters are written in a simple and easily understandable language with sufficient support from real business information.
It covers topic, such as Introduction to business analytics, business analytics process, data concepts, data exploration and visualization, automated data analysis, tabulation of data, hypothesis testing, chi-square and correlation, linear regression analysis, logistic regression, cluster analysis, business data management, SPSS Packages. The book presents the material with clarity and conciseness to enable students to read and study with diagram. Review questions at the end of chapters should be useful for both students and teachers.
In writing this book we have benefited immensely from the studies of a number of books and the articles written by scholars spread over various books, journals and magazine. We are grateful to them.
Contents –
1. Introduction
2. Automated Data Analysis
3. Hypothesis Testing
4. Business Data Management
5. SPSS Packeages