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Business Application Software


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Business Application Software programs are computer programs created specifically for business use; application software for businesses to essentially improve business functions.

Application Software programs for businesses are designed specifically to meet the needs of the end-user. An end-user is the individual who will be working with the business application software program on a regular basis. The business owner and his or her employees are considered end-users, and the latter individual must be satisfied with the application software program.

So, what businesses require Business Application Software?

In truth, any business that relies on computers to produce literature, products or services or a business that relies on computers to track the transactions of the business can truly benefit from the use of business application software.

Among the many benefits that businesses can derive from business application software can be identified in the overall improvement of work productivity. Application Software can speed the process of transactions, can diminish the amount of time an employee takes in handling a transaction or in recording information, and can therefore allow businesses to use their employees in a more efficient fashion. Since employees will be able to focus on other tasks within the business, the use of application software can ultimately also lower a business`s overall labor costs. In addition, application software programs can serve to improve the work atmosphere and increase employee`s morale; an employee`s job is simplified with business application software programs, particularly if the job is repetitious such as that of a data entry position.

Since application software programs assist in lowering the labor costs, the latter fact means that the business will seek higher profit margin each year. The money saved on labor costs can be invested in other areas of the business such as advertising or where ever the business owner sees fit to implement the funds. Finally, a major benefit of business application software includes the fact that such applications can help business owners accommodate those employees who may be handicapped in some way.

The number of business application software programs in existence today is constantly increasing. Word processing programs, Database application software, Account management software applications, Advertising tracking software and e-mail campaign tracking software.

Experts in Information Technology work in the software application development business, are fully trained to understand the complex technological needs of business. This readable, comprehensible, practical book helps business people quickly understand what Business Application Software is, how it works, where it`s used, and why and when to use it − all illustrated by practice examples related to business, case studies, and not just theory.

The book is divided into four units. The first unit is on Office Management which familiarizes you with Word, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Web publishing packages, e-mail, Video conferencing, and HTML. The second unit is on Functional Management including financial and accounting management, operations management, and project management. The third unit is on Software Development and Integration including database creation, manipulation and transactions using query languages, I/O design-calculator project, Integration-designing an application and integrating database and front-end. The fourth unit Advanced Statistical Software illustrates exercises to use research data and analyze using various statistical methods. Also an introduction and hands-on experience with data mining and business intelligence package is provided.

The book is useful to undergraduate, graduate and research students of Business Administration, Computer Application and Management, Information Technology, Computer Science & Engineering as well as to practitioners who would like to learn the intricacies of using Business Application Software to enhance productivity at their work place.


Contents :

1. Unit I − Office Management
2. Unit II − Functional Management
2.1. Financial and Accounting Management
2.2. Operations Management
2.3. Project Management
3. Unit III − Software Development and Integration
4. Unit IV − Advanced Statistical Software


Year of publication






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Amit Johri


Himalaya pub