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Business Communication


SKU: d8c300a5af19 Category:

This is a handbook of Business Communication for students as well as for professionals and business persons. It gives a sound understanding of communication theory and the principles of effective communication, both oral and written.

It contains many communication techniques and tips for handling delicate situations tactfully. Besides a number of illustrative examples, every chapter has practice exercises. This ninth revised edition takes into account the communication needs of business people. Topics such as dealing with cross-cultural communication, choosing the most effective medium for conveying a message in a specific situation, sending fax messages, and e-mail etiquette have been carefully explained.

Contents :

PART − I: Communication Theory
1. Basic Elements of Communication
2. Objectives of Communication
3. Methods of Communication(Verbal)
4. Methods of Communication(Non − Verbal)
5. Media and Modes
6. Channels of Communication
7. Barriers to Communication
8. Public Relation
PART − II: Oral Communication
9. Listening
10. Group Communication
11. Interviews
12. Speeches
13. Presentations
14. Dialogue Skills
PART − III: Written Communication
15. Reading Skills
16. Essentials of Effective Writing
17. Writing Tactfully
18. Layout of a Business Letter
19. Job Application
20. Personnel Letters
21. Goodwill Letters
22. Enquiries and Replies
23. Orders and Replies
24. Complaints, Claims and Adjustments
25. Collection Letters
26. Sales Letters
27. Credit and Status Enquiries
28. Bank Correspondence
29. Insurance Letters
30. Meetings: Notice, Agenda and Resolutions
31. Reports
32. Summarisation
33. Punctuation
34. Numerals


Year of publication







362 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





S.M. Rai,

Urmila Rai


Himalaya pub