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Business Intelligence for Decision Making


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Business Intelligence has drawn considerable attention of both academicians and practitioners. Business intelligence, as one of the fastest developing business application areas, has potential role in good and quality decision making. Much of the business intelligence techniques rely on data mining processes. Hence, data mining has a vital role to play in Business Intelligence.

This book presents various data mining techniques that are commonly used in Business Intelligence for effective decision making in businesses. Data warehouses also have a great role in storing large amounts of data from various sources. This data is very useful in finding new and hidden patterns which help the business to flourish during the downturns.

Several examples have been presented for easy understanding of the concepts in this book. The content of this book was taken from several websites, blogs, e-books, e-newspapers, etc. which contributed towards Business Intelligence and Decision Making.

This can serve as a supplementary reading, reference book for those who want to gain some extra knowledge in Decision Making, Data Mining and Business Intelligence.


Contents –

1. Introduction
2. Business Decision Making
3. Decision Making Tools and Techniques
4. Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems
5. Data Warehousing
6. Data Mining – An Overview
7. Data Mining Techniques
8. Business Intelligence vs. Business Analytics (Bi Vs. Ba)
9. Conclusion


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Dr. V.V. Narendra Kumar


Himalaya pub