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Business Law (Semester- IV)


SKU: PCL0169 Category:

Business Law for Semester III in its 23rd Edition which has received unprecedented acclaim as the text answers the readers concern. Text for Semester IV follows with this extended 23rd Edition of Business Law.

A cosmetic change in the breakup of syllabus for Semesters III and IV with trimming of study at the cost of providing essential and quality knowledge to the reader is rather disturbing and anguishing. The first reading of division of Business Law in two Semesters sets out the impression of importance extended to the study of Business Law, but analysis of syllabus leaves one hollow and depressed.

Contents :

TOPIC-1: COMPANY LAW (The Companies Act, 1956)
Chapter 1: Company − Definition & Features
Chapter 2: Registration of A Company
Chapter 3: Types of Companies
Chapter 4: Memorandum of Association
Chapter 5: Articles of Association
Chapter 6: Membership of A Company
Chapter 7: Prospectus
Chapter 8: Management
TOPIC-2: LAW OF PARTNERSHIP (The Indian Partnership Act, 1932)
Chapter 1: Partnership − Definition & Types of Partnership
Chapter 2: Relation of Partners to One Another and to Third Parties
Chapter 3: Minor’s Position in Partnership
Chapter 4: Relation of Partners To Third Parties
Chapter 5: Incoming and Outgoing Partners − Reconstitution of A Firm
Chapter 6: Dissolution of A Firm
Chapter 7: Registration of A Firm
TOPIC-3: LAW OF CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES (The Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960)
Chapter 1: Definition and Features of A Co-Operative Society
Chapter 2: Formation And Registration of Co-Operative Societies
Chapter 3: Types Of Co-Operative Societies
Chapter 4: Membership
Chapter 5: Management
Chapter 6: Meetings
Chapter 7: Accounts and Audit
Chapter 8: Disputes
TOPIC-4: LAW OF CONSUMER PROTECTION (The Consumer Protection Act, 1986)
Chapter 1: Consumer And Consumer Dispute
Chapter 2: Consumer Protection Councils
Chapter 3: Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies − District Forums, State Commission & National Commission


Year of publication



Twenty Third



Student Dollar Price




Mr. K.R. Bulchandani


Himalaya pub