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Business Organisation and Environment (Bangalore Uni)

Student Price 240.00

SKU: 95d60b8f5933 Category:

This book has been especially written for First Semester BBA students of Bangalore University. The language of the book is simple and the coverage of various unit is exhaustive with exmples. This work is prepared as a basic material for the learners to know fully about Business Organisation and Environment and forms of organizations. We have tried to make the book very useful for the students but still we will thankfully solicit and incorporate the suggestions of our readers.

This title “Business Organisation and Enviromament” provides them an opportunity to develop the skills necessary to meet the challenges.

This is an attempt to provide the students with thorough understanding of business organisation and environment concepts. In writing this book we have benefited immensely from the studies of a number of books and the articles written by scholars spred over diversely.



1. Introduction to Business Organisation
2. Forms of Business Organisation
3. Joint Stock Company
4. Business Environment
5. Government and Business
Skill Development