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Business Organisation and Environment (Bangalore Univ)

Student Price 235.00

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A person who would like to start and organise business, have different forms of business organisation. Adopting a specific form depends on the various factors. Selecting a suitable form leads to success in the business.

Success in a business depends not only on the form of business organisation but also on the environmental forces. Popularly called environment factors – these forces include global, technological, political-legal, economic, cultureal social and natural. We have discussed, at length, the interface between business and its environmental factors. Needless to say our focus is on Indian business.

The Board of Studies deserves our compliments for having introduced a subject with the modules on business organisation, form of business organisation, and business environment, as one of the courses in BBM. A student with BBM degree in hand needs to have knowledge about business the forms of business organisation and forces of Business environment.

We have brough out “Business Organisation and Environment” to meet the specific needs of Bangalore University.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Business Organisation
2. Industry, Commerce and Trade
3. Forms of Business Organisation: Sole Proprietorship
4. Partnership Firm
5. Cooperative Society
6. Joint Stock Company
7. Business Environment
8. Political Institutions
9. The Constitution of India
10. Rationale and Extent of State Intervention
11. End of Government Business?
12. Technological Environment
13. Economic Environment
14. Monetary and Fiscal Policies
15. Industrial Policy
16. New Economic Policy
17. Industrial Licensing
18. Globalisation
19. Strategies for Going Global
20. Privatisation
21. Natural Environment