
G.Sudarsana Reddy

G. Sudarsana Reddy is Professor of Management at Seshadripuram Institute of Management and Studies, Bengaluru. He is an MBA, M.Com, MFM, and Ph.D. He has been teaching Postgraduate Subjects for the last eleven years in the areas of Financial Management, International Financial Management, Project Appraisal and Finance, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, and Financial Institutions and Markets. He has published five books - "Essentials of Financial Management, Advanced Financial Management, Financial Management: Principles and Practice; Financial Management and Strategic Management." He coauthored eight books - "Strategic Management : Text and Cases; Management and Behavioural Process; Management and Organisational Behaviour; Business Environment for Strategic Management; Business Law; Production and Operations Management; Organisational Behaviour; and Business Environment." He has published more than 50 research papers in the journals of all-India repute. He has also presented more than 25 papers in the national and international seminars.

Books Of G.Sudarsana Reddy