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Corporate Banking


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Corporate banking has been playing fabulous work in shaping the future of the corporate and in turn the nation. Wherever corporate banking has entrenched deep into the roots of the business, the result which ultimately arrived was only growth and development.

The growth of industrial sector and other service oriented ones in advanced nations like U.S.A., U.K., Germany and Japan is primarily because of the reason that enough attention was given by these nations to ensure the set-up of corporate banking, meeting the requirements of all concerned.

While corporate banking is a sweet word for the industrial sector, the delivery of the same has to be done meticulously with checks and balances. Unless the safety aspect of public funds is not ensured, it may open the gates for the likes of Nirav Modi and Vijay Mallya who duped the banks in million dollars.

This book discovers the element of corporate banking and key aspects encompassing corporate banking for the benefit of management students and practicing banking professionals in the field.


Contents –

1. Indian Banking System
2. Concept of Corporate Banking and Financial Innovations
3. Loan Policy and Principles of Lending
4. Identifying the Borrowers and Projects
5. How the Credit Proposals are to be Presented by the Corporate Banking Branch?
6. Various Methods of Creating Charge Over Securities
Foundation of Governance
7. An Understanding of the Types of Advances Dealt with by the Corporate Banking Branch
8. Project Appraisal and Credit Decisions by the Corporate Banking Branch
9. How the Corporate Banking Branch Understands–Financial Statements, Balance Sheet and Ratios?
10. Parameters of Assessment of Working Capital of an Unit by the Corporate Banking Branch
11. What in the Opinion of the Bank is the Attributes of a Good Tangible Security
12. Export Finance Done by the Corporate Banking Branch
13. Non-fund Based Finance – Letter of Credit Extended by the Corporate Banking Branch
14. Types of Letter of Credit
15. Few International Commercial, Financial and Regulatory Terms Which Corporate Banking Branch Need to Understand – INCO Terms 2000, UCP 600, URR 525
16. Documentation Done by the Corporate Banking Branch on Corporate Credit
17. An Understanding of the Capital Budgeting Techniques Involved in Corporate Financing Done by the Corporate Banking Branch
18. Loan Pricing
19. Insurance on Corporate Credit
20. Technology as Aid to Corporate Banking
21. Recovery Measures Adopted by the Corporate Banking Branch
Case Studies


Year of publication






Book Code

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Dr. G. Vijayaragavan Iyengar


Himalaya pub