The main purpose of this book is to update the students of Arts, Science, Commerce and Management at their B.A., B.Sc., BCA, B.Com. and BBM, degree level to get a clear and comprehensive picture of the compulsory paper on ‘Environmental Studies’. ‘The subject being comparatively new and dynamic, there is a need for constant revision to include latest happenings of events in the field of environment. After first edition of the book published in 2007, many changes have happened in between. Accordingly the revised version of this book contains such events, viz., the talks of world leaders (130) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at Copenhagen during 7th to 17th December 2009. Though, the concrete results have not come out in the meeting, the road map is delineated through a draft accord, which is specially written in this book under the title `Climate Change Policies and Copenhagen Accord’.
Further, keeping in view the latest decision of the Academic Council of Bangalore University regarding the mode of examination and type of question paper, new set of multiple choice questions have been specially written in all the chapters and the key answers are given at the end of the each chapter. It is hoped that this revised version will prove invaluable to the student community as well as teachers, who teach the paper on `Environmental Studies` in all the Universities in the country.
Contents –
Chapter 1: The Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies
Chapter 2: Natural Resources: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources
Chapter 3: Ecosystems
Chapter 4: Biodiversity and Its Conservation
Chapter 5: Environmental Pollution
Chapter 6: Social Issues and the Environment
Chapter 7: Environmental Laws
Chapter 8: Human Population and the Environment