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Financial Laws (Sem 4, Pune Univ)

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In this book, developments both in he financial markets and banking sector are discussed by the academicians and practitioners, who are experts in their fields, from different viewpoints. While some parts of the book analyse the banking sector in the viewpoint of financial standards, financial analysis, and also marketing analysis, other parts emphasize the insurance sector which is an inseparable part of the financial markets.

The present edition is divided into five chapters.

Chapter 1 discusses Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (SARFAESI) Act, 2002, the object being to facilitate recovery of dues of banks and financial institution by non-adjudicatory body without being required to move to a court or tribunal. It also covers Objectives, Scheme of the Act, Salient Features, Incorporation and Registration of Special Purpose Companies, Funding of Securitisation, Assets Reconstruction, Enforcing Security Interest, Establishment of a Central Registry, Offences and Penalties, Boiler-plate Provisions Applicability, Exempted transactions, SARFAESI Process and Documentation.

Chapter 2 deals with Corporate Debt Restructuring and Strategic Debt Restructuring in detail. With mounting NPAs, Reserve Bank of India has introduced Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) scheme in June 2015 to let banks recover their loans from the ailing companies to convert a part of their loan in an ailing company so that they can recover their dues. Corporate Restructuring (CDR) is typically a voluntary difficulties due to various factors, in order to provide support at the right time for such businesses. The chapter further covers – Meaning, Definations and Importance. CDR and GDR: difference, mechanism, scheme, Debt Restructuring Process, Benefits, Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring and Bankruptcy.

Chapter 3 discusses India Laws and Regulations Governing International Business Transactions: FERA/FEMA, Taxation of foreign income; Foreign Investment; Setting up offices and branches abroad.

Chapter 4 covers The Actuaries Act, 2006 – An Act to provide for regulating and developing the profession of Actuaries and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The chapter further covers content of the act as: Defination, Need, Importance, Objectives, Incorporation of Institute of Actuaries of India, Composition of Council of Institute, Functions of Council, Registration of Members, Appointment and Prosecuting of Director, Constitutions of Appellate authority, Appeal to authority, Penalty, Companies not to engage in actuarial practice, Quality Review Board: Establishment, functions, procedure, terms and conditions of chairperson and members of board.

Chapter 5 deals with The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) – The bankruptcy code is a one stop solution for resolving insolvencies which previously was a long process that did not offer an economically viable arrangement. The code aims to protect the interests of small investors and make the process of doing business less cumbersome.


Contents –

1. Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (SARFAESI) Act, 2002
2. Corporate Debt Restructuring and Strategic Debt Restructuring
3. India Laws and Regulations Governing International Business Transactions
4. The Actuaries Act 2006
5. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code