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Financial Management


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Financial Management is a topic of prime important as it plays a pivotal role in the current financial scenario that exists global as well as in Indian business and financial sector. A strong understanding about the various aspects of economy is definitely the need of the hour. This knowledge of finance is a requirement, not only for managing big business houses but also for building up a profound and attractive career in this field or even for the management of finances as a layman. Therefore as casual as we may think of its study. Financial Management help us in our investment decision, career options, cross border business ventures, global educational option etc; all of which that plays a central role in our lives. The chapter in this book are designed in such a way that they provide a broad perspective of the subject. The topics also help in developing the analytical approach in Finance, as financial decision making by a country or an individual depends heftily on a sound knowledge of Financial Management.

This book aims to provide a deep insight into the various aspects of how to efficiently manage financial responsibilities, by providing an uncomplicated descriptive, helping in the easy understanding of financial principle and their application. Each chapter is written with the under Graduate students in mind, as they enter the field of Financial Management with little or no understanding of the various terminogies and applications of the subject. Another obvious advantage to this book is the inclusion of probable question from the various chapter which we are sure, will be a great help to the students of this subject.


Contents :

Unit – 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Unit – 2 Time Value of Money
Unit – 3 Financing Decision
Unit – 4 Investment and Dividend Decision
Unit – 5 Working Capital Management




Year of publication




Student Dollar Price




Archana B.S.,

Manjunatha J.M.,

Venkatesh Babu S.


Himalaya pub