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Foundations of Managerial Work


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Professor Chakraborty has made a profound contribution to the art and science of Management Development with the publication of Foundations of Management work: Contributions from Indian Thought. He goes deep into the causes for the solutions to organizational problems. It is the courage to go deep, to essential cause that sets this book apart.

The book is a call to Indian managers to return to their sadhana. To turn to spiritual practice to develop themselves. To raise their consciousness. All management, Professor Chakraborty correctly notes, is finally subjective. Therefore, the cultivation and purification of man`s inner field, the realms which subjective decision are made, is central to effective management.

Contents :

I Value Perspectives and Transformational Psychology for Management
1. Human Resource and Rat Race or Human Response and Human Race
2. Value for Indian Managers; some Vintage Insights
3. Managerial Style in Quest of Value : The Indian Stimulus
4. A Budding Manager`s Guide to Progress: Illusion and Reality
II Work and Quality of work-Life Through Transformational Psychology
5. The Will-To-Yoga and Quality of Work-Life
6. Foundations of Work-Culture : The Indian Perspective
7. Work and Man : An Imaginary Dialogue
8. Guna Dynamics and Transactional Analysis-A Comparative Review
9. Organizational Reality in India : Some Introspection
10. Management Thinking in India The Sociological Perspective : A Close Look
11. Will-To-Yoga and Quality of Work-Life Revisited
III Transformation Psychology In Action
12. Management of Stress and Trans-Empirical Psychology : A Few insights
13. Leadership and organized Teamwork in India : Some Glimpses into the Past and the Future
14. Creativity : Brain Storming or brain-stilling?
15. Work-culture and selfishness : The Indian Dilemma and Response
16. Attitude Change and Meditational Psychology


Year of publication







384 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Shitangshu Kumar Chakraborty


Himalaya pub