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Fundamentals of Management – II (Sem II, BCom Mumbai Univ)


Management is a multifaceted discipline that encompasses various functions essential for the effective operation of organisations. Management is broad and includes a number of tasks necessary for businesses to run efficiently. With an emphasis on the crucial elements of organising, planning, leading and managing, this topic explores the fundamental duties of management.

‘Functions of Management – II’, the first module, gives a thorough introduction to the PODSCORB structure, which stands for Planning, Organising, Directing, Staffing, Co-ordinating, Reporting and Budgeting. We will examine the significance of authority delegation, focusing on its definition, necessity and the best practices for delegation that improve organisational effectiveness. We will also look at co-ordination as an essential part of management, going over its meaning, idea, and the methods and guidelines that guarantee smooth co-operation across departments and teams. Lastly, we’ll talk about the controlling functions and describe its essential ideas, procedures and methods that let managers keep an eye on employee performance and make the required modifications to meet company objectives.

In the second module, ‘Functions of Management – III’, the emphasis switches to the communication and direction processes. In this section, we will define directing, go over its fundamental ideas and talk about the obstacles that prevent efficient communication in businesses. We will also examine motivation, determining the variables that affect it and the different theories that describe how to motivate people to give their best efforts. This module’s investigation of leadership will wrap up by outlining several leadership philosophies and the comprehending and putting together of fundamental management concepts into practice.

Contents –

Module 1
1. Functions of Management – II
(a) Introduction and overview to PODSCORB – Delegation of Authority – Meaning – Need for Delegation – Principles of Effective Delegation.
(b) Co-ordination – Concept –Importance – Principles – Techniques.
(c) Controlling – Concept – Steps – Techniques.

Module 2
2. Functions of Management – III
(a) Directing and Communication – Concept – Principles of Directing, Barriers of Communication.
(b) Motivation – Concept – Factors Affecting Motivation – Theories of Motivation.
(c) Leadership – Concept – Styles – Attributes of a Successful Leader.

3. Case Studies


Year of publication





104 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Barakathu Nisha. R,

Heena Danish Satkut


Himalaya pub