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Fundementals of Management and Life Skills (Bangalore Univ)


SKU: 45fcdf3ddb3d Category:

Management is a subject that deals with different functions of management. The more one reads about management, the more absorbing does it becomes. From an application point of view, the subject “Fundementals of Management and Life Skills” is most important among commerce and management-oriented disciplines.

The managers and students at the entry level of learning management have to know the fundementals of management process, before they professionally develop operational methods and procedures of business activities. This title provides complete information about the sequential operational procedures. Written in a simple language, style and easy to understand, the book covers the vital aspects of management, communication skills and life skills. Each chapter, besides text, contains summary, graded questions and practical exercises for self-learning. We expect that students enjoy reading this book and learn the basics of management process.


Contents –

Unit I: Management
1. Introduction to Management
Unit II: Principles and Functions of Management
2. Management: Process and Principles
3. Planning
4. Organising
5. Staffing
6. Directing
7. Co-ordination
8. Controlling
Unit III: Leadership and Motivation
9. Leadership
10. Motivation
Unit IV: Communication Skills
11. Communication Skills
Unit V: Life Skills, Personality and Attitude
12. Life Skills
13. Personality
14. Attitude



Year of publication





312, 268


406, 354

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Madhu S.,

Prof. H.A. Bhaskar,

Prof. H.R. Appannaiah


Himalaya pub