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Global Strategic Management


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What can be said about the new, globalized, borderless economy facing managers today and in the future that has not already been said before – perhaps only this “uncertainty”. The challenge in the uncertain global economy is to learn and effectively practice global strategic and international management. Strategic management has been strongly influenced by the global strategies in recent times. In the aftermath of globalization and the opening up of the markets, students of management are badly in need of a suitable text book covering all these aspects including the latest developments.

Global Strategic Management is designed to fulfill this need. It covers both traditional strategic management topics and new topics, thereby; it combines a strategic and managerial approach to global issues. This book, through a comprehensive coverage will give the students a thorough understanding of the wide range of issues, theories, future trends – including Global Economy, Globalization and World Developments, Managing Global Environment, Cultural Context, International Strategic Management, Implementation of Strategy, Leadership, Group Behaviour and Motivation, Strategic Human Resource Management, Developing Global Management Cadre, Challenges of Global Management, Innovation and Global Organizations, and Global Strategic Management in a New World.

Global Strategic Management includes key questions, further readings and cases – both world wide and corporate, for students to analyze global strategic issues in emerging markets and real business situations thereby facilitate better learning.

Book Content of Global Strategic Management
1. Global Economy
2. Globalization and World Developments
3. Managing Global Environment
4. Cultural Context of Global Management
5. International Strategic Management
6. Implementation of Strategy
7. Leadership and Group Behaviour
9. Strategic Human Resource Management
10. Developing a Global Management Cadre
11. Challenges of Global Management
12. Innovation and Global Organizations
13. Global Strategic Management in a New World
Case Studies

Year of publication







830 (In Grams)

Book Code


Library Dollar Price


Student Dollar Price





Dr. Neeta Baporikar


Himalaya pub