The purpose of this book is to make the students understand the significance of Green Marketing from the viewpoint of business as well as consumers. Emphasis is also given to create awareness among the younger generation about the positive benefits of adopting Green Marketing and the ever increasing need of environmental protection and sustainability.
Profusely illustrated with relevant examples, interspersed with snippets of current news items on the various facets of the subject, this is a handy, simple book that covers almost all the basics of green marketing. Written in simple language, using a lucid style, without diluting the conceptual content of the subject, this book will be handy and useful as a textbook for both the students as well as the faculty involved in green marketing studies.
Contents –
1. Introduction to Green Marketing
2. Concepts, Strategies and Challenges
3. Green Marketing Mix
4. Green Consumerism and Buying Behaviour
5. Green Marketing in India
6. Social Responsibility and Green Marketing