Look Inside

From being a cost center to be an investment center, the essence of Human Resources (HR) has gradually changed and improved at the same time. No longer an HR is involved in only the traditional and routine organisational activities, but they are now involved in the strategic decision-making and called as a strategic partner. The book thus highlights the HRM side of the organisation covering all important HR aspects and challenges.

Chapter 1 elaborates about the scope of Human Resource Management (HRM) and its evolution in detail. It will brief the reader about its journey from Personnel Management (PM) to HRM. The chapter covers the importance, features, functions, role, and objectives of HRM. Lastly, it covers the HRM policies and its applicability to achieve organisational goals.

Chapter 2 is more about the organisation of Personnel department or HR department, covering various types of organisational structure and their applicability.

Chapter 3 describes the importance of manpower planning and its process. It will help the reader to understand the concept of demand and supply forecasting and how to fill the gap between manpower demand and supply. It even highlights the concept of job analysis and its components, selection criteria and its process, and placement.

Chapter 4 highlights how a motivated employee can convert the idle resources to an ideal resource. The concept of motivation has been further elaborated through various motivational theories with their impact on employee performance and productivity.

Chapter 5 covers the need of appraising the performance of employee on timely basis. The chapter includes various techniques to appraise the performance of the employee. The concepts like organisation’s strategic planning and succession planning are also covered.

Chapter 6 is about employee Training and Development (T&D), focusing on the importance and scope of T&D. The chapter covers various methods of on-the-job, off-thejob, and e-training in details with their pros and cons.

Chapter 7 draws the attention of reader towards the need of planned change in the organisation. It introduces the concept of Organisation Development (OD) and its various interventions in detail.

Chapter 8 is the extension of previous chapter focusing on the process of change management and various models of change. The Chapter list down various reasons of organisational and individual resistance to change and strategies to overcome such resistance.

Chapter 9 is showcasing the strategic aspect of HRM through various HRD strategies for long-term planning and growth.

Encapsulating, the book is a perfect dose for all those who wants to understand the HRM in details and want to learn various practical aspects of HRM.


Contents –

1. Human Resource Management
2. Organisation of Personnel Functions
3. Manpower Planning
4. Motivating Employees
5. Performance Appraisal Systems
6. Training and Development
7. Organisation Development
8. Management of Organisational Change
9. HRD Strategies for Long-term Planning and Growth




Year of publication






Anshita Chelawat,

Arati Deepak Kale,

Trupti Shelke


Himalaya pub