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India in World Affairs: Towards the 21st Century

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Among our distinguished contributor are Dr.A.P.Rana, Prof.G.P.Deshpande, Dr.Jhon Wood, Dr.Dilip Mohite, Dr.Shrikant Paranjpe. The themes discussed include the historical, theoretical and institutional dimensions of the country`s foreign policy, India`s relations with specific countries and regions as also key policy sectors. The wide scope of the book and the relatively non-technical mode of presentation make it accessible and of interest not only to students and teachers of Intrenational Relation but also other social scientists, journalist, activists and the general reader.

India in World Affairs presents a unique collection of twenty essay on various aspects of India Foreign Policy. The country has played a remarkable role in international politics during the fifty years since Independence. As the 20th Century draws to a close a new global order seems to be emerging. If India is to participate meaningfull in this order it will have to review its past performance in the domain of foreign policy and chart a new course for the future. The scholars represented in this volume address themselves to this twofold task from diverse perspectives.

Book Content of India in World Affairs: Towards the 21st Century
  1. India in World Affairs: Retrospect and Prospect
    – Usha Thakkar & Mangesh Kulkarni
  2. The Nehruvian Tradition in World Affairs: Its Evolution and Relevance to Post-cold War International Relations
    – A.P. Rana
  3. Indian Foreign Policy and International Relations Theory: A Post-neorealist View
    – Rajesh M. Basrur
  4. The Making of India`s Foreign Policy: Continuity and Change, 1947-1997
    – H.C. Shukul
  5. India in South Asia: An Emerging Hegemon?
    – Naliit Anadkat
  6. From`World-View`to`Nation-View`: Fifty Years of Sino-Indian Interaction
    – Alka Acharya & G.P. Deshpande
  7. The Geostrategic, Geopolitical Importance of the Indian Ocean
    – B. Arunachalam
  8. India and the United States: From Security Dielemma to Insecurity Dielemma
    – Dilip Mohite
  9. Canada-India Relations: The Current Issues
    – John R.Wood
  10. Reflections on Indo-Soviet Relations,1947-91
    – Shi-idhar Shrimali
  11. Indo-Russian Relations on the Tthreshhold Post-Soviet Realities
    – P.L. Dash
  12. Fifty Years of Indo-European Relations
    – Parvati Vasudevan
  13. India and the Arab-Jewish/Israeli Dispute: A Reappraisal
    – Prithvi Ram Mudiam
  14. Changing Patterns of Cooperation Between India and Sub-Saharan Africa: Some Reflections
    – V.S. Sheth
  15. India, Non-alignment and the Third World
    – Lionel Fernandes
  16. India and the United Nations Organisation
    – Nandini Patel
  17. India`s Defence Policy
    – Shrikant Paranjpe
  18. India`s Nuclear Policy
    – Uttara Sahasrabuddhe
  19. India`s Foreign Economic Policy
    – Anand P. Mavalankar
  20. India and the Global Information Order: Losing the Baton
    – Dipankar Sinha