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Industrial Economy of India


SKU: PCH0002 Category:

The present volume is the revised edition of our “Industrial Economy of India” (1997).

The revision to the earlier edition has been made to enlarge the coverage of few aspects and also make it more suitable to the syllabi of courses in ‘Industrial Economics’ offered in various universities of India. I hope this will fulfill the needs of arts, commerce as well as, students appearing for competitive examinations. I have tried to add latest statistical data wherever possible.


Contents –

1. What is Industrialisation?
2. Theories of Size and Location of Industrial Establishments
3. Indian Industries From Pre-British Period up to Independence
4. Industrial Policy
5. Industrial Progress During India’s Five Year Plans
6. Public Sector In India
7. Private Sector Industries in India
8. Some Important Industries in India
9. Monopolies and Industrial Concentration in India
10. Small-Scale Industries in India
11. Locational Pattern of Industries in India
12. Balanced Regional Industrial Development
13. Industrial Development of Backward Areas
14. Industrial Productivity in India
15. Industrial Finance
16. Role of Foreign Capital
17. Labour Legislation
18. Industrial Relations
19. Indian Industries and The Energy Problem
20. Wage Policy and Wage Fixation
21. Industrial Sickness
22. Scientific Management and Rationalisation
23. Review of Industrial Growth Since
24. Future Strategy for Industrial Growth in India



Year of publication





574 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Mrs. Nirmal Bhalerao,

S.S.M. Desai


Himalaya pub