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Industrial Psychology


SKU: PPS0008 Category:

We are happy to record here that the importance of this subject is increasingly realized and appreciated in our universities and higher academic circles and in industry. We are sure that a day is not too far off when these new ideas will start percolating with greater force and effectiveness to our industries, where they really belong and need to be practised. The students and the general readers of this book will find many new ideas in this book. They are mainly concerned with the activities of the people who work in business and industry whether they are employers or employees; and the various techniques and practices developed to aid them in gaining insights into their many specific and general problems commonly encountered in business and industry.

Contents :

Part I
1. The Indian Industrial Scene – Back-drop of Industrial Psychology in India
2. Introduction to Industrial Psychology and its Basic Concepts
3. Personnel Selection I : Occupational Information
4. Personnel Selection II : Individual Differences
5. Personnel Selection III : Techniques, Application Blanks and Interview
6. Personnel Selection IV : Psychological Testing
7. Personnel Selection V : Psychological Testing
8. Training in Industry
9. Human Performance : Engineering Psychology
10. Industrial Accidents and their Prevention
Part II
11. Motivation
12. Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
13. Morale and Monotony
14. Personnel Counselling
15. Psychological Aspects of Labour Relations
16. Supervision and Leadership Questions
17. Performance Appraisal


Year of publication







582 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. M. B. Ghorpade,

Dr. P.K. Ghosh


Himalaya pub