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International Finance (Sem 4, BMS Mumbai Univ)


The book is divided in Part 1 and Part 2.

Since Numericals are scoring and students like numericals more it has been put 1st as Part I!!

Selected Theory has been then put as Part 2. Since weightage of theory is 50 Marks it merits effort right from the beginning !!

This book is user-friendly and different. As one goes through the book, one will feel the difference, and this will help to master ‘IF’ in an enjoyable manner, with life-time utility.

The book covers ‘University’ Prescribed Syllabus with Practical Dimension !!


Contents –

Part – I : Problems / Numericals + Soluctions
1. Direct and Indirect Rates
2. Cross Rate Calculations
3. Percentage Spread Calculations
4. Identify and Calculate Geographical Arbitrage
5. Identify and Calculate Triangular Arbitrage
6. Forward Rates Calculations (Formula Method)
7. Calculation of Swap Points
8. Forward Rates Calculations (Table/Schedules Method)
9. Annualized Forward Margin (AFM)
10. Covered Interest Arbitrage
11. Borrowing and Investment Decision
12. Miscellaneous Patterns
IF University Sums
Part – II : Ttheory
Unit I – Fundamentals of International Finance
1a. Introduction to International Finance
1b. Balance of Paymen
1c. International Monetary Systems
1d. An Introduction to Exchange Rates
Unit II – Foreign Exchange Markets, Exchange Rate Determination and Currency Derivatives
2a. Foreign Exchange Markets
2b. International Parity Relationships and Foreign Exchange Rate
2c. Currency and Interest Rate Futures
Unit III – World Financial Markets and Institutions and Risks
3a. Euro Currency Bond Markets
3b. International Equity Markets and Investments
3c. International Foreign Exchange Markets
3d. International Capital Budgeting
Unit IV – Foreign Exchange Risk Appraisal and Tax Management
4a. Foreign Exchange Risk Management
4b. International Tax Environment
4c. International Project Appraisal
IF — April 2016 (Revised Course)



Year of Publication



Student Dollar Price



Pawan V. Jhabak