Look Inside

The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm promises to make “things” including consumer electronic devices or home appliances, such as medical devices, fridge, cameras, and sensors, part of the Internet environment. This paradigm opens the doors to new innovations that will build novel type of interactions among things and humans, and enables the realization of smart cities, infrastructures, and services for enhancing the quality of life and utilization of resources. This book presents the subject in an easily comprehensible manner for the students. The subject has been presented in a logical sequence, using simple language, and it contains a detailed exposition of the fundamental. A careful effort has been made to provide a comprehensive coverage of the course.

This book has been written constantly keeping in mind the requirements of all the students regarding the latest and changing trend of their examinations. The book is supported by a large number of illustrations. In short, the book is expected to meet the need of T.Y.B.Sc. (IT) students.

This book covers all the theoretical approach as per the syllabus of IOT. Practicals are explained step by step, so that students can perform easily.


Contents –

Unit – I
1 The Internet of Things: An Overview
2 Design Principles for Connected Devices
3 Internet Principles
Unit – II
4 Thinking About Prototyping
5 Prototyping Embedded Devices
Unit – III
6 Prototyping the Physical Design
7 Prototyping Online Components
Unit – IV
8 Techniques for Writing Embedded Code
9 Business Model
Unit – V
10 Moving to Manufacture
11 Ethics
Appendix-I Know the Differences
Appendix-II Know the Inventory
Internet of Things Practicals


Year of publication







462 (In Grams)



Kiran Gurbani,

Nitesh N. Shukla,

Sandeep Vishwakarma


Himalaya pub