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Interview Skills


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Interview Skills is a book that will make you aware of the realities of the interview process and will help you in improving your interview skills. It offers a wide plethora of information reagarding interviews. It discusses the following topics:

– Myths regarding interview.
– Common interview mistakes.
– Skills required to impress the interviewers.
– Different Interviewing techniques.
– How to get prepared for an interview
– What is needed to succeed at in interviews.
– Negotiating salaries.
– Questions you may be asked.
– Suggestions about answering to the most common. questions.

Great interview skills are not developed overnight. They improve with time and correct application. People who consistently succeed at interviews are those who take the time to prepare their own answers rather than simply using answers they have read or heard else where. Those answers should only act as a guideline and be a point of reference. It is important for you to know that the more you think about your answers and the more you practise them, the better you will become in answering to the interview questions.

Whether you have recently passed out from college or you are an expereinced professional, this book will show you how to prepare highly effective answers and how to deliver them in a confident manner while establishing a good rapport with interviewers.

Contents :

1. Interview: an Overview
2. Interviewing Techniques
3. Types of Interview
4. Interview Myths
5. Common Interview Mistakes
6. Ten Steps to Getting Prepared
7. Telephone Interviews
8. A Dozen Tips for the Ceremony
9. Building Rapport and Trust
10. Negotiating the Salary
11. Do’s and Don’ts
A Questions you may be asked
B Answers to Common Questions
C Interview Forms


Year of publication







218 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Sajitha Jayaprakash


Himalaya pub