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Introductory Managerial Economics-I


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This book is a seventh edition in sequence. This volume is intended to serve as a comprehensive/standard textbook on Managerial Economic`s paper for the F.Y., B.M.S. Degree course of the Mumbai University, with a new approach.
This book is the outcome of over 35 years of long teaching and writing experience of the author.
The author humbly claims the following distinctive feature of the book:

  • It thoroughly discusses the new syllabus of the Mumbai University for the F.Y., B.M.S. Degree course paper on `Managerial Economics`.
  • In the framework of the book, special care has been taken to avoid gaps in the sequential arrangement of topics and logical development of concepts and ideas of economic theory and their relevance to business economics.
  • Topics covered are discussed, as far as possible, in a fairly self-contained manner.
  • It is self-explanatory
  • It is lucid and simple
  • Brief Case Studies on demand forecasting, elasticity and proving have been interpromoted in relevant chapters.
Book Content of Introductory Managerial Economics-I
Unit I : Introduction

  1. Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics
    Unit II : Demand Analysis
  2. Demand
  3. Elasticity of Demand
  4. Estimation of Demand
    Unit III : Production and Costs
  5. Production Function
  6. Economic of Scale and Scope
  7. Cost Function
    Unit IV : Market Structure
  8. The Meaning of Market Structure
  9. Revenue Analysis
  10. Equilibrium of the Firm and Industry Under Perfect Competition
  11. Equilibrium: Price and Output Decisions Under Monopoly
  12. Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly


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Year of publication




Dr. D.M. Mithani


Himalaya pub