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Management Cases – HR Practitioners View


SKU: a64bcdef0c69 Category:

The demand for qualified business professionals have been on increase and process of globalization has given a further boost to this demand. The Indian Universities have therefore opened up various management courses. Human resource management is one of the core subjects taught in Management School.

A need for book on easy-to-understand case lets with probable solutions for the students studying Human Resource Management has led to the ideation of this book. This book is tailor-made and apt for students who need simplified course material and expect a practical exposure in the field of Human Resource Management.

The book is comprehensive covering of case let view of all topics in Human Resource Management for beginners.


Contents –

1. Performance Appraisal
2. Employee Benefits
3. Job Designing and Analyzing
4. Compensation Mismanagement
5. Voluntary Retirement Scheme
6. Training and Learning
7. Personality Enhancement
8. Indisciplined Behaviour / Insubordination
9. Deception Point
10. Succession Planning
11. Business Communication
12. Fun Workplace
13. Termination of Promising Employee
14. Goal Congruence
15. International Recruitment
16. Job Description
17. Recruitment
18. Information Sharing
19. Quick Recruitment
20. Business Ethics
21. Industrial Relations
22. Leadership
23. Corporate Governance
24. Motivation
25. Human Resource Planning
26. Corporate Social Responsibility
27. Stress Management (Audit)
28. Human Resource Information System
29. Organizational Culture
30. Work-life Balance
31. Termination
32. Workplace Conflicts
33. E-Learning
34. Virtual Teams
35. Emotional Intelligence
36. Union Pressures
37. Employee Engagement
38. Retention
39. Consultant Hiring
40. Employee Welfare
41. Group Dynamics
42. Benchmarking
43. Turnaround
44. Rightsizing
45. Merger
46. Moonlighting
47. Flexi-timing
48. 720 Degree Performance Appraisal
49. Matrix Organization
50. Women Leadership


Year of publication







134 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Adveta Gharat,

Alpha Lokhande


Himalaya pub