This book is an abridged version of the author`s main book,“Management Information Systems” (Text and Applications), Second edition published in the year 2000, which received a good response from the students of many Indian Universities. The present book has been made simpler and written according to the syllabus of Third Year BBM Course, Bangalore University, adding some more topics. The revised edition has been covered in four parts as per the above mentioned syllabus.
Important Topics Covered in the Book
- Basics about Management Information Systems
- Information Systems Theory and Concepts
- Database Management Systems and Data Modeling
- Organisational Functions of a Business
- New topics covered like E-Commerce, ERP, E-CRM, Outsourcing etc.
- Organisational systems like Strategic Information Systems, Personnel Administrative Data Systems, Finance and Accounting Information Systems, Operation Data Systems.
- About 200 illustrations are given for easy understanding.
Contents :
1. Introduction to Management Information Systems(MIS)
2. MIS and Other Subsystems
3. MIS Working and Other Disciplines
4. Data and Informations
5. Information System Concepts
6. Computer Concepts, Hardware, Software, File Management
7. Database and Database Management and File Management
8. Data Modelling
9. Communication Technology for Information Systems
10. Transaction Processing System
11. Systems Analysis and Design
12. Strategic Information Systems(SIS)
13. Organisational Functions of a Business
14. Planning Data Systems
15. Financial Control Data Systems
16. Payment Systems
17. Personnel Information Systems
18. Operations Data System File
19. Operation Data Systems