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Management of Financial Services, Markets and Institutions


SKU: c08ae726e662 Category:

Student studying Financial Services, Markets and Institutions either in MBA (MMS), M.Com. and B.Com. (Hons.), find it very difficult to have all material at one place or enveloped in a book, so they do not waste their time and labour in searching the necessary requirements of their syllabus.

This book, “Management of Financial Services, Markets and Institutions” has been written not only for students of MBA and M.Com.’s but also for the students of B.Com. (Hons.) Degree course, which covers the entire syllabus of Mumbai and Delhi Universities. The Material coverage is written in detail, length and width. Though there are only ten chapters in this book but extensively delta on the topics as non-depository institutions like Life and Non-life Insurance / Mutual Funds / NBFCs and Financial Services like Merchant Banking/Lease Financing / Hire Purchase / Factoring / Securitisaton / Venture Capital / Plastic Cards and Treasury Management by Banks.

Adequate coverage and up to date details have been incorporated in order to make the readers/students and professors with full and complete knowledgeable information. I trust that my this effort would make the students / readers as happy readers.

Book Content of Management of Financial Services, Markets and Institutions
    1. Chapter 1 : Financial Markets
    1. Chapter 2 : Capital Markets
    1. Chapter 3 : Life and Non-Life Insurance, Mutual Funds and NBFCs
    1. Chapter 4 : Overview of Financial Services
    1. Chapter 5 : Lease Financing
    1. Chapter 6 : Other Financial Services
    1. Chapter 7 : RBI Control Supervision and SEBI Regulations
    1. Chapter 8 : Stock Exchange Operations
    1. Chapter 9 : Credit/Debit/Smart Cards and Housing Finance/Bancassurance Services
    1. Chapter 10: Treasury Management Services and Portfolio Management
    1. Bibliography

Year of publication







620 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




O.P. Agarwal


Himalaya pub