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Management of Multinational Corporation


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This book contains a comprehensive and balanced aspect of MNCs with special emphasis on Indian economy. It attempts to find out the numerous challenges before the MNCs and come out with best solution within limited resources. Too much care and attention has been paid to make the text easy to understand and simple to learn the intricases of the subject. Initially the book is divided into 11 chapters and each chapter is full of authentic and meaningful informations. The impact of MNCs on Indian Economy and the challenges before the MNCs are the hallmark of this text. This book is a must-buy for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Managment, Commerce and Tours and Travel Management.

The phenomenal growth of Indian Economy in recent years has been a subject of discussion across the globe. The engine to this rapid and massive growth is not only the indigeneous technology and the human resources but the various Multinational Corporations operating effectively and efficiently in this country. Multinational Corporations (MNCs) have become a subject of interest for one and all in recent years. There is too much dearth of worthy books dealing with MNCs in Indian market. This text is an attempt to fill the void and fulfil the much needed demand of Management students.


Contents :

1. Multinational Corporation
2. Historical Developments of MNCs
3. Main Features of MNCs
4. Towards a Theory of MNC
5. Strategy & Structure in the Internationalisation Process
6. Determinants of FDI
7. Designing Organisational Structure
8. Govt. Policies & MNCs
9. Challenges before MNCs
10. Impact of MNCs on Indian Economy
11. Remedial Measures for MNCs


Year of publication







176 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




M.S. Khan


Himalaya pub