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Marketing Management (Pune Univ)


SKU: ed903abd6001 Category:

Learning theories and concepts without knowing their practice or application is of little use. It is one thing obtaining an MBA degree, but quite another to connect what you learned about a theory or concept into practice in a real-life situation. Theories and concepts should work, and as a student, you should know how they work.

This book, Marketing Management, addresses these issues fully, and will provide you some fundamental ideas about the practical side of the concepts discussed therein. It introduces the concept of Marketing Mix as a framework for marketing decisions. In addition to this, many examples picked out from the current Indian marketing scenario are included in the text. The book is profusely illustrated with samples of product offers, and advertisements relevant to each topic. These will help you to understand the practical side as you learn the theory.

This book is a handy, simple textbook that covers all the topics and the full syllabus prescribed by the Pune University, includes all the concepts, and provides suitable examples from the Indian market context. Written in a capsule form, this book will meet the above-mentioned requirements of the MBA students. It is logically sequenced in tune with the syllabus contents of the MBA course of the Pune University.

Ten case studies on successful marketing practices of products and services in the Indian market are included for the benefit of students.


Contents –

1. New Product Development and Product Life Cycle
2. Price
3. Place
4. Promotion
5. Marketing Planning and Control
Case Studies


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price




Year of publication






Dr. K. Karunakaran


Himalaya pub