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New Dimensions of Cooperative Management


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I am glad that the second edition of this book is coming out in response to the demand. While the broad structure remains the same, every care has been taken to up-date the information and data in crucial areas in the Indian Cooperative sector. Pace of development has been truly fast and issues are getting complex, both internally and environmentally. This dynamics is most welcome. Therefore some new have been dropped in the context of new developments. (However, this pruning has been very marginal as could be comparison to the old edition.)

The additional feature of this edition is inclusion of same seven cases to cooperatives management, covering such management area as project formulation decisions, board-exective relations, managers on deputation, public sector and private coordination; etc., etc. Since management practice must in all possible directions conform to the principle universally accepted, it was thought proper to include these cases as exercise feature of the revised of the revised and enlarged edition.


Contents –

Part – I
1. Cooperation : Nature and Substance
2. Principle of Cooperation
3. The Cooperative Sector and Economic Development
4. Cooperative Management : Nature and function
5. Professionalized Management for Cooperatives
6. Role of Leadership in cooperative Management
7. Placement and Role of the Board of Direction in Cooperative Management
8. The State and the Cooperative Movement
9. Effects of Cooperative Law on Management
10. Administrative System and Manpower Planning
11. Long Range Planning for Cooperative Expansion
12. The Cooperative Mergers
13. Planning Size and Structure of PACs in Perspective
14. Strategic Areas in Cooperative Development Projects
15. Taxation of Cooperative
16. Need for Cost Audit in Cooperative business Organisations
17. Industrial Relations in Cooperative s
18. Personnel Administration in Coop. Department & Cooperative Development
19. Public Relation
20. Integrated Approach to Cooperative Development
21. Management Aspects of Cooperative to Cooperative Banking
22. Application of Marketing Concept to Cooperative Banking
23. Integrated of Short-Term and Long-Term Credit Structures
24. Public Sector Banking and Cooperative Banking in India
25. Research and Cooperative Banks
26. Development Finance for Agriculture-Organisational and Operational Aspects
27. Credit For Weaker Sections
28. Recoveries—Multi-dimensional Approach
29. Urban Cooperative Banking in Transition
30. Cooperative Marketing—Nature and Scope
31. Cooperative Marketing—A Review
32. Agricultural Export by Cooperatives
33. Supply of Agricultural Inputs
34. Marketing Fertilizers under Competitive Conditions
35. Financial Structure and Problems of Marketing Cooperatives
36. Planning and Development of Marketing Manpower
37. Public Distribution —Role of Cooperatives
38. Coordination Between Trading Coops, And Public Sector Trading Agencies: Problems and Prospects
39. Management of Sugar Cooperatives
40. Management of Cooperatives Rice Mills
41. Management of Consumer Cooperatives
42. Cooperatives Department Stores in India
43. Trends in Consumer’s Coop. Movement Abroad
44. Purchase Policies, Organisation and Procedures for Consumer Cooperatives
45. Rationalised Purchasing –Role of the Board of Management
46. Controlling Purchasing Costs in a Consumer Cooperative
47. Cooperative Products : Improving Marketability and Development Markets
48. Revitalizing Handlooms : Need for Integrated Structure
49. The Yarn Requirement of Handlooms and the Role of Cooperative Spinning Mills
50. Management Aspects of Fisheries Cooperatives
51. Marketing Organisation of Coop. Fisheries
52. Cooperatives for Inland Fisheries
53. Management of Materials and Inventory Control: Fisheries Cooperatives
54. Cooperative Dairy for Small People
55. Management of Labour Contract and Construction Cooperatives.
Part – II
Case Exercises

1. A Case of a Processing Cooperative
2. Board-Executive Relationship
3. The Independent Manager
4. The Manager on Deputation
5. The State Cooperative Bank-The Vicious Circle
6. Public Relation Decision-making
7. Coordination Between Public and Cooperative Sectors


Year of publication






Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. G.S. Kamat


Himalaya pub