Non-Chordata – II


The present title “Non-Chordata – II” deals with all those animals that have no endoskeleton. Non-Chordates alone constitute 95 percent of the entire Animal kingdom. There are vast heterogenous assemblage of groups of animals. The range in size, in structural diversity and in adaptation and to different modes in enormous. A number of highly complicated, and technical and technical instruments have been devised to make their detailed studies possible. The present text illustrates the wealth of diversity in organization and physiology that has been found in the various groups of Non-Chordate. The various phyla have been treated in a simple and lucid style. The approach of discussion of all the phyla is very simple so as to impart to the students a clear and vivid understanding.

General characters and classification and brief description of other important types of the phylum have also been dealt with complete, authentic and up-to-date account. Further separate chapters on topics of significance and general interest pertaining to the phylum have also been added to make the treatment more elaborate.


Contents –

1. Characters and Classification of Arthropoda
2. Peripatus
3. Palaemon
4. Cephalization
5. Integument
6. Limulus
7. Mouth Parts in Insects
8. Respiration in Insects
9. Metamorphosis in Insects
10. Termites
11. Role of Insects in Biological Control
12. Apiculture
13. Prawn Culture
14. Characters and Classification of Mollusca
15. Unio : (A Fresh Water Mussel)
16. Foot of Mollusca
17. Economic Importance of Mollusca
18. Neopilina
19. Characters and Classification of Echinodermata
20. Starfish
21. Larval Forms in Echinodermata
22. Minor Phyla
23. Phylum Rotifera (The Wheel Animalcules)


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Dr. Mohan P. Arora


Himalaya pub