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Nuclear Powers


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The book may prove a good reading for practicing nuclear engineers as well as knowledgeable public who want to update themselves with the latest in nuclear. It may also cater for global readership as there are quite a few takeaways for them. The book is a good reading for all the stakeholders of the nuclear industry, namely designers, owners, utilities, builders, manufacturers, EPC contractors, operators, decommissioners, regulators, newcomers to the industry, policy makers, public, students, etc.


Contents –

Section 1. Global Nuclear Power
1.1 Birth of Nuclear Power
1.2 Why Nuclear? Is it a Boon or a Bane?
1.3 Growth of Nuclear
1.4 Accidents, Including the Three Major Ones, Lessons Learnt and can they Happen in India?
1.5 Non-grid Uses of Nuclear and Special Variations of Nuclear Power
1.6 Global Nuclear Scenario
1.7 We will See a Renaissance?
1.8 Safety, Nuclear Security, Viability and Reliability
1.9 Good Practices in Nuclear
1.10 Requirements to be Met by New Entrants to Nuclear
1.11 What Constitutes an Ideal Regulating System?
1.12 Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Role of Nuclear
1.13 Energy Mix for any Country
1.14 Life Cycle (Aging) Management
1.15 Global Nuclear Organisations
1.16 Issues in Nuclear
Section 2. Nuclear Power in India
2.1 Why Nuclear for India?
2.2 How India Eminently Meets Requirements for Nation Embarking on Nuclear?
2.3 The Beginning Including Three-stage Program
2.4 Difficult Middle Period
2.5 2000 to Now and Present Status
2.6 Future Plans
2.7 Success Story of Indian PHWRs, INDUs
2.8 India and Thorium
2.9 Indigenization (Localization) of Supply Chain and EPC Capabilities
2.10 India’s Export Potential
2.11 Nuclear Deal, NSG and IAEA Safeguards
2.12 Energy Mix for India and Energy Scenario
2.13 Sustainable Development, Climate Change in Indian Context
2.14 Nuclear Liability Regime in India
2.15 Regulation in India
2.16 Privatization, Role of Industry and FDI
2.17 From Scientists to Technocrats/Managers
2.18 Project Management
2.19 Achieving Excellence in Operation of NPPs
2.20 Safety
2.21 Nuclear Security
2.22 Reliability
2.23 Commercial Details and Viability/Economics
2.24 Additional Good Practices in India
2.25 India Met Requirements for New Entrants
2.26 Life Cycle Management in India
2.27 Public Acceptance
2.28 Global Nuclear Organizations. India’s Give and Take
2.29 Issues with Nuclear
3. Will My Dreams Materialise?
4. Abbreviations
5. Acknowledgment and Bibliography


Year of publication







1608 (In Grams)

Book Code

Library Dollar Price




G.R. Srinivasan


Himalaya pub