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Principles of Management

The subject `Principles of Management` occupies an important place in the course content of Commerce and Management education offered by various Universities. The present book is written in a simple and lucid style covering the various aspects of management. This book will enable the students to acquire basic knowledge of management. The book is student- oriented and expected to serve their needs fullly.  It describes every aspects of the subject in simple and lucid style. A new chapter titled,`Functional Management` has been added in this edition.

Features of Seventh Edition
– A Chapter on Modern Management Techniques in Functional Management has been added in this edition.
– A Chapter on `Case Study` relating to variety of an addition management problems is in the present edition.
– To test the understanding and knowledge of the students, various types of questions have been given at the end of each chapter.


Contents :

1. Management − An Introduction
2. Different Approaches to the Study of Management
3. Management Thinkers
4. Planning
5. Decision − Making
6. Orgnisation − Nature and Purpose
7. Departementation
8. Delegation of Authority
9. Centralisation and Decetralisation
10. Span of Management
11. Forms of Authority Relationship
12. Staffing
13. Direction
14. Supervision
15. Motivation
16. Leadership
17. Communication
18. Controlling
19. Control Techniques
20. Co-ordination
21. Functional Management
22. Social Responsibility of Business
23. Modern Management Thinker
24. Modern Techniques in Functional Management
25. Case Studies
University Question Paper




Year of publication





262 (In Grams)



Dr. K. Natarajan,

Dr. K.P. Ganesan


Himalaya pub