Promotion Management


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The most visible area of any business today is the promotional activities undertaken by it, say an ad with a beautiful model endorsing the product or an offer to win a foreign trip by answering a few simple questions or company’s stand on environmental pollution or a company’s salesman visiting clients, doing glib sales talk and accepting orders. Whether it is advertising in the media or personal selling, it is called promotion. Whenever sales are stimulated by schemes, it is sales promotion, also a part of promotion. Public relations managers holding press conferences and answering consumer complaints are also practicing promotion. Direct marketing has emerged as a new dimension of promotion. In fact, some think that promotion and marketing are synonymous, though marketing is broader, and includes the other three Ps – price, product and place. This book is comprehensive ext on promotion management which treats all aspects of promotion. It is a valuable companion for all tose who are specializing in marketing and advertising.


Contents –

1. Basic Concepts of Promotion and Communications
2. Fundamentals of Advertising
3. Advertising Research
4. Marketing and Advertising Planning
5. Advertising Agency
6. Market Analysis; Segmentation and Targeting
7. Creativity, Creative Strategy and Copywriting
8. Art Direction
9. Media Planning
10. Print Media
11. Electronic Media; TV – The New Golden Goose
12. Electronic Media: Radio
13. Outdoor and Transit Media
14. Direct Marketing
15. Sales Promotion
16. Public Relations
17. Sales Management
18. Principles of Personal Selling
Case Studies


Student Dollar Price
Library Dollar Price




Year of publication






Himalaya pub