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Quality Control of Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation


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The quality control of nuclear medicine instrumentation is an essential part of nuclear medicine. This book covers the quality control procedures for almost all the equipments used in the specially of nuclear medicine. The contributors of various chapters in the book are experts, from all over the country, in their respective fields. In addition to the gamma camera (planar and SPECT), PET, thyroid probe and rectilinear scanner, beta gamma counters and activity meter, the quality control procedures of hard copy devices, radiation monitoring instruments and nuclear medicine software have also been included in this book. The book appears to be helpful for all the students of DMRIT, DRM, MD Nuclear Medicine and any other course related to the specialty of nuclear medicine.


Contents –

1. General Aspects of Quality Control in Nuclear Medicine instrumentation
2. Gamma Camera
3. Spect System
5. Spect Quantitation
6. Newer Concepts in Dedicated SPECT Imaging
7. Quality Control of Nuclear Medicine Software
8. Physical and Quality Assurance Aspects of Positron Emission Tomography
9. Quality Control of Hard Copy Devices
10. Radionuclide Dose Calibrator
11. Thyroid Uptake Probe and Rectilinear Scanner
12. Quality Assessment of Beta Gamma Counters
13. Quality Control of Radiation Monitoring Devices in nuclear medicine (survey meters and contamination monitors)
14. Accreditation and Certification in Nuclear Medicine


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Year of publication




G.S. Pant


Himalaya pub