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Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurial Development


SKU: 2db18bdd25ff Category:

Thousands of new businesses are started every year, and more than half will be out of existence within a year. Many entrepreneurs who fail in their ventures may like to involve again and begin the process of creating another type of business, while others will become disenchanted and elect to work for someone else. The businesses that succeed will make a significant contribution to the nation’s economy. Hence creating a new venture is exciting, challenging, frustrating and rewarding

Small business employs more than half of the work force and they create more hobs than do large companies. They are more innovative than bigger firms. Small companies are often the only source of some services and products in rural areas or small towns. Some of the new businesses are created by people who have had no business experience or formal training and their success is often attributed to ‘luck’. Other entrepreneurs study the start up process, and their success is often attributed to ‘hard work’.

This book is mainly written to help students ‘study’ the start up process. It is hoped that students of MBA, M.Com. and BBM finds this book interesting. The question papers of BBM course of Bangalore University has been answered fully as on date giving reference of page numbers and para numbers.

Some changes have been made in this second edition to make the text an even better learning and teaching resource. The book has been carefully revised, improved and updated to provide students with knowledge of entrepreneurial development and small scale industries that will be needed not only during the rest of the 2000s but also in a new century.


1. Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship
2. Entrepreneurship
3. Entrepreneurial Development (ED) and Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs)
4. Entrepreneurship
5. Subsidies and Incentives
6. Industrial Estates
7. Project Mangement
8. Financial Institution
9. Industrial Sickness
10. Institutional Assistance to Small Scale Industries
11. Export Assistance
12. Training Facilities and Marketing Assistance to Entrepreneurs
13. Market Survey
14. Organisational Structrue of Small Scale Industries
15. ISO 9000 and Standardisation
16. Electroni


Year of publication





412 (In grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Mr. C.S.V. Murthy


Himalaya pub