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Social Marketing


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The policy decisions, no doubt, have avenues for profit generation but at the same time also make it essential that marketing decisions are friendly to the society and nature. If negative effects of economic development start establishing an edge over the positive contributions, the development policies need a microscopic audit and the policymakers require an attitudinal transformation. The existing race in the society for multiplying the material assets, if not slowed down will jeopardise the time-tested norms for the survival of social systems and cultural paradigms. The vulnerable industries like cement, steel, leather, plastic, glass, electronics have been found sizably contributing to the pollution of environment. The automobile industry takes the problem very casually. The fast food industry has been found generating health problems. While producing packing packaging and promoting almost all the industries ignore social, cultural and environmental considerations and often cross the limitations.

Of course, the results of industrial transformation have immensely contributed to the process of economic transformation but the side-effects like global warming, air pollution, noise pollution, water contamination, racial discrimination, ethical degeneration, value erosion et al. are found showing a red, green and amber signal to the existence and well-being of living beings in general and the human beings in particular. The task of social transformation is yet to gain a rapid momentum.

The concept of Social Marketing is based on the holistic thoughts of management where we view management in totality. The present book makes an attempt to conceptualise the principles of social marketing in order that a fair synchronisation of organisational and social interests is found easier. We find special focus on the organisations helping social orientation, vis-a-vis the formation of social capital. Important issues covered are education, sanitation, potable water, family planning, healthcare and medicare, afforestation, mobilisation of small savings, mass media, politics, NG0s, Red Cross, Police, Religion where we view management in totality.

The students of Master of Business Administration, Social Management, Sociology, Medical Science, Environment Management, Forest Management, Communication Management and many others will find the present book of immense use The policymakers, marketing practitioners, political leaders and a host of government departments and NGOs or organisations working under the PPP mode and the academics stand to be benefited.

Contents :

1. The Foundation of Social Marketing
2. Change and Attitude Formation
3. Social Advertising
4. Service Quality
5. Marketing Education Services
6. Marketing Sanitation Services
7. Marketing Potable Water
8. Marketing Family Planning
9. Marketing Medicare and Health Care Services
10. Marketing Afforestation
11. Marketing Small Savings
12. Marketing Mass Media
13. Political Marketing
14. Marketing Services of NGOs
15. Marketing Red Cross Services
16. Marketing Police Services
17. Marketing Religious Services
18. Bibliography


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Dr. S.M. Jha


Himalaya pub