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Strategic Cost Management

Student Price 995.00

SKU: PAB0340 Category:

This book, “Strategic Cost Management”, addresses the lack of literature in academic programs by offering a comprehensive guidance. After introducing the foundational aspects Cost Accounting, the book discusses comprehensively 15 key tools and techniques of Strategic Cost Management such as Activity-Based Costing, Target Costing, Balanced Scorecard, etc. Emphasizing practical application, each concept is analysed with relevant examples. The book aims to bridge theory with real-world relevance, making it a valuable resource for students, faculty members and practitioners seeking a deeper understanding of Strategic Cost Management.

Contents – 

1: Introduction – Cost Ascertainment to Strategic Cost Management
2: Activity-Based Costing
3: Life Cycle Costing
4: Target Costing
5: Learning Curve Theory
6: Pricing – Strategies, Policies and Methods
7: Transfer Pricing
8: JIT Policy
9: TQM and Quality Costs
10: Balanced Score Card
11: Theory of Constraints
12: Throughput Accounting
13: Miscellaneous Tools and Techniques of SCM