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Strategic Management

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It gives us a great pleasure in presenting the first edition of the book titled “Strategic Management” under new syllabus of VI Sem BBM of Bangalore University. The book is not the new one with the fulcrum of the subject information which is added by Bangalore University on the revised syllabus under new dispensation.

While management is the art of getting things done through and by the people, Strategic Management aims at achieving corporate objectives and goals through distinct mechanisms. Many strategic decisions revolve around planning, implementation and evaluation of strategies giving adequate opportunities to the environmental changes. One can find Strategic Management practices in all walks of human life. From time immemorial, kings, monarchs, gladiators, important characters and monarchs in epic freedom fighters (Mahatma Gandhiji’s strategy of non-violence, say for example) to modern multinational companies to business leaders and a mendicants used strategies to achieve their predetermined objectives with available resources and ability at their disposal.

The present Strategic Management text book concerned with organizational business policy, strategy formulation, implementation, evaluation and control in the light of a given environmental scenario. The management students must necessarily possess theoretical backgrounds of environmental analysis, SWOT (now SWOC) analysis, Competitive Edge, strategic decision making, strategic management process, Vision, Mission, Strategic Intent, Key Result Areas (KRAs) and of course the reasons for the failure of strategic management before stepping into actual executive practice.

The specialty of this book is that for acquainting with conceptual foothold, the related concepts are explained thoroughly, the readers can build the knowledge base after reading and understanding in the right perspective of the Strategic Management Process involved in multinational, transnational and global companies on an ongoing basis.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Strategic Management
2. Environmental Appraisal
3. Strategic Planning
4. Implementation of Strategies
5. Strategy Evaluation
Skill Development