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Strategic Management


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Strategic Management activates enable businesses to capitalize on competitive opportunities worldwide. Effective managers develop tools and techniques to analyze their business environment. Apperception of the complexities of national institution, multiple stakeholders and fluctuating demands, helps managers allocate resources efficient to sustain and grow their businesses. Environmental influences like politics, economics, social trends, technology, environment and laws effect business strategies. Because these influences occur on a large, global scale their impacts can be difficult to assess, predict and handle.

The purpose of this book is to provide knowledge of strategy and its role in promoting the companies’ competitive advantage. This text draws from all functional areas of business and presents a solid strategic management model from a top-level strategic perspective. It is most useful for the students with backgrounds in related fields such as management accounting economics, finance.

A Summary of the main features follows.

– Overview of strategic management
– Analyzing a company’s external environment
– Strategy formulation
– Analyzing a company’s resource and competitive position
– Generic competitive strategies

The book present Indian flavors and subject of strategic management against contemporary corporate events in India. The text includes numerous carefully integrated examples of practices in real organizations Cleary illustrate the concepts being discussed and each chapter included case studies and analysis of case studies. The subject matter has been presented in a simple and lucid manner. Keeping the multifarious requirements of students in mind. Every attempt has been made to maintain easy readability and quick comprehension.


Contents :

Unit 1 : Introduction To strategic Management
Unit 2 : Strategy Formulation
Unit 3 : Analyzing Company’s External Environment
Unit 4 : Analyzing a company’s Resources & Compititive Position
Unit 5 : Strategy & Competitive Advantage
Unit 6 : Business Planning In Different Environment
Unit 7 : Strategic Implementation
Unit 8 : Strategic Evaluation and Control


Year of publication







346 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. T.P. Renuka Murthy,

Mrs. Waseeha Firdose


Himalaya pub