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Working Capital Management


SKU: HCF0059 Category:

This book is an outcome of a successful intensives research study carried out at the M.S. University of Baroda, for doctoral degree for the first time attempts a detailed examination of working capital management practices of Pharmaceutical Companies in the state of Maharashtra. The entire work plan of the book represents judicious blending of theory and practices of working Capital Management by the business enterprise and pharmaceutical industry in particular. A study of this kind will be of immense help to the finance executives to appreciates some of the crucial aspects of Working Capital Management and will assist them in designing their working capital policies. There is ample of literature available on working capital management, however, this study would be a significant contribution to the existing literature on different areas of financial management. The book will also help students, researchers, teachers of business management and professionals intending to analysis and study the working capital management.

Book Content of Working Capital Management
  1. Introduction
  2. Conceptual and Contextual Analysis of the Theory of Working Capital Management
  3. Methodology of the Present Study
  4. Analysis and Interpretation of the Data
    Section 1: Inventory Management
    Section 1: Receivable Management
    Section 1: Management of Cash
    Section 1: Working Finance
    Section 1: Working Capital Management
  5. Summary and Conclusions
    Appendix I
    Appendix II
    Appendix III
    Appendix IV
    Appendix V
    Appendix VI
    Appendix VII





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Dr. Alok B. Shah


Himalaya pub