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Imperative Programming (Mumbai Univ)


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We are having great pleasure in presenting First Edition of this book “Imperative Programming” to the students of F.Y. IT (F.Y. B.Sc. Information Technology). This book is written to cover all the topics of syllabus prescribed by the University of Mumbai for F.Y. B.Sc. IT.

Imperative programming is a programming paradigm that uses statements that change a programs state. In much the same way that the imperative mood in natural languages expresses commands, an imperative program consists of commands for the computer to perform. Imperative programming focuses on describing how a program operates.

All machine language, procedural language, structural programming Fortran, BASIC, Pascal, COBOL, ALGOL language for mathematical algorithms and C language, object oriented features are added with C++, JAVA, Perl, Ruby, visual C++ are object oriented languages and Python language. Imperative support event base languages like Visual Basic and PHP with Web Designing languages and also object oriented languages are supported VB.Net & C#, J# and F# functional languages.

Here, in this book, we have considered C programming as imperative programming language. The concept and theory of each topic is followed by the theoretical explanation. All practical questions of C programming are provided at the end of this book, and along with those steps of program execution is provided. Efforts have been made to make the text easy to read and understand. In this book, we have covered all types of programs expected by University of Mumbai in practical examination.


Contents –

Unit I
1. Introduction
2. Fundamentals
Unit II
3. Operators and Expressions
4. Data Input and Output
Unit III
5. Conditional Statements and Loops
6. Functions
Unit IV
7. Program Structure
8. Preprocessor
9. Arrays
Unit V
10. Pointers
11. Structures and Unions
Error Handling in C Language
Practicals of Imperative Programming


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Year of publication







Kiran Gurbani,

Prajisha Jitesh,

Shrutkirti Shelar


Himalaya pub