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Sustainable Business Development Contemporary Issues & Challenges


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This book on “Sustainable Business Development: Contemporary Issues and Challenges” is a compilation of eighteen research papers where each one of it is focusing on issues related to sustainable development. The three sections of the book address few key areas on Sustainable Development.

Section I on Sustainability Issues in Business caters to varied problems that the business organizations are encountering. The major areas that are covered in this section includes problems of small and medium enterprises, leadership and governance, organizational culture, human resource management, and case studies related to specific industrial sectors where each of the paper focuses towards the challenges of sustainability and how to make sustainability a reality.

Section II on Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development is dedicated to entrepreneurial initiatives with special reference to the state of Manipur. The contributors share their ideas of how the concept of Sustainable Development is incorporated in their respective business initiatives. The section is quite an illuminating experience for the readers.

Section III on Sustainable Tourism and Green Marketing emphasizes on tourism-related issues and how green marketing concept can be adopted for sustainability. The pursuit of sustainable development with relation to management of readily available resources and how to retain the concept of ‘Go Green’ slogan by the common masses have been well taken in this section.


Contents –

Section A: Sustainability Issues in Business
1. Challenges and Problems Facing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Swaziland, Lubombo Region
2. A Study on Women’s Participation in Leadership and Governance with a Special Reference to the Catholic Church
3. Congruence of Organization Culture with Knowledge Management: A Case Study of Shija Hospital and Research Institute (SHRI), Imphal
4. Employee Attrition and Retention: A Review of Literature
5. Organizational Agility Integrates Sustainable Business Practice: Exploring Linkages
6. Water Sustainability and Innovation in Hospitality Industry
Section B: Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
7. Green Entrepreneurship: Plantation of Mustard in Paddy Fields of Valley of Manipur during Off-season of Paddy to Produce Mustard Oil
8. Green Microfinance as a Means to Achieve Sustainable Development Alongside the Financial Inclusion
9. An Empirical Study on Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices of Food Processing Industry in Manipur
10. Talent Management through HR Analytics for Sustainable Development
11. Need for Entrepreneurship Education in the Changing Scenario: A Manipur Experience
12. Sustainable Development of North East India through Skill Education
Section C: Sustainable Tourism and Green Marketing
13. Tourism Resources Management for Sustainable Development in Thailand
14. Tourist and Resident Perception of Meghalaya as a Tourism Destination: A Case Study of East Khasi Hills District
15. Superstructure and Business Practices of Tourism-related Microenterprise: The Two Limits of ‘Think Global Act Local’ Paradox
16. The Role of Consumer Law in Green Marketing and Consumerism
17. HRD for Adventure Tourism in Manipur
18. A Review of Studies on Green Marketing in India


Year of publication






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Dr. Seram Sureshkumar Singh,

Dr. Sunildro L.S. Akoijam,

Prof. W.C. Singh


Himalaya pub