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Environmental Studies (Sem 2, NEP (Karnataka))


SKU: PHG0202 Category:

We are happy to present the second revised edition of “Environmental Studies” written for students of UG courses. The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to the various issues of environment and public health.

This book has eight units. The first unit introduces the concept of environment studies, multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies, scope and importance of environmental studies, concept of sustainability and sustainable development.

The second unit introduces the ecosystem, structure and function of an ecosystem, energy flow in the ecosystem, food chains, food webs, ecological succession, forest ecosystem, grassland ecosystem, desert ecosystem and aquatic ecosystems.

The third unit describes the natural resources, renewable and non-renewable resources, land resources and land use change, land degradation, soil erosion and desertification, deforestation, water resources and energy resources.

The fourth unit describes the biodiversity and conservation, levels of biological, global biodiversity hot spots, endangered and endemic species of India, threats to biodiversity, conservation of biodiversity, ecosystem and biodiversity services.

The fifth unit introduces the environment pollution, air, water, soil and noise pollution, nuclear hazards and health risks, solid waste management, control measures of urban and industrial wastes.

The sixth unit describes the climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, environment law, environment protection act, wild life protection act, forest conservation act, nature reserves, tribal population rights, rights and human wildlife conflicts.

The seventh and eight unit describes the human population growth, disaster management, environmental movements, environmental ethics, environmental communication and public awareness and field work.

We consider this book is useful for understanding purposes through students as well as professionals. This is an attempt to provide the students with thorough understanding of the environmental studies.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Environmental Studies
2. Ecosystem
3. Natural Resources: Renewable and Non-renewable Resources
4. Biodiversity and Conservation
5. Environment Pollution
6. Environmental Policies and Practices
7. Human Communities and the Environment




Year of publication





334 (In Grams)

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Kalyan Biswas,

Dr. Pratul Biswas,

Muthuraja S.


Vision Book House