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History of Media (Sem 1, Mumbai Univ)


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It is my pleasure to present the book on History of Media to the students of Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Communication, Semester I, University of Mumbai. This book has been written as per the syllabus prescribed by the University with effect from the academic year 2019-20. In the business of communication, a media entrant must know about the past developments of mass media. Print, Electronic and Digital Media – all these forms have evaluated as the time passed. To better understanding of these changes; role of social, political, economical forces in it; how medium has changed time to time; these topics were highlighted in this book. Through this book, timeline of newspaper, film, radio and television has been interpreted in the reference to History of Mass Media. This book is an opportunity for me to do so. The nature, function, meaning and practice of mass media; responsibilities and role of mass media; importance of mass media drivers – all this study is vital for media students, who will be professionals in future. The book discusses the basic history of Newspaper, Films, Radio and Television, and the role of social reformers in mass media.


Contents –

1. Evolution of Press in India
2. History of Indian Language Press in India
3. History of Documentaries and Films
4. History of Radio and Television in India
5. History of Media Icons in the History of Indian Media


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Year of publication






Jayshree S. Godbole,

Mahesh Patil


Himalaya pub