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Entrepreneurship Skills (Sem 3, NEP, Karnataka Univ)

Entrepreneurship is an intangible factor and is the moving force of socio-economic problems confronted by the country can be solved by encouraging entrepreneurs. In India entrepreneurship is constantly equated with the establishment and management of small business units. The development of small scale industry, which is the alternative name for entrepreneurship in India, can solve the problems such as concentration of economic power in few hands, regional imbalances and exploitation by monopolists.

Developed and developing countries alike are encouraging entrepreneurship economic growth. Entrepreneurship is the innovative skill of the individual which prompts the person to take up self employment and produce such goods or service which will be innovative and useful to the society. Entrepreneurs do establish their business in a different way and take decisions under uncertainty. They turn opportunities into business ventures. Jobs are created by them and they will be adding new jobs on a large scale to employment market. They also take up community services in the places and locations wherever they run their businesses.

Entrepreneurs have to possess necessary skills to succeed in their businesses. The skills include creative thinking, critical thinking, effective communication financial, marketing, human resources development (HRD) and managerial skills, time management, stress management, ethical attitude and courage and confidence to face challenges. Every entrepreneur will not possess all these skills. But majority of successful entrepreneurs possess certain of these skills. Particularly they possess inventive and innovative skills, courage, good communication, marketing and financial skills. HRD Skills, though they possess, are not adapted. “Profitability” occupies that place. Majority of entrepreneurs of fail within three years of starting the business. Because they do not get required finance at the appropriate time and adapt poor HRD practices.

In order to disseminate knowledge of entrepreneurship, every university of Karnataka offering B.Com., BBA Courses have introduced “entrepreneurship” as one of the subjects of study. “Entrepreneurship skills” as a subject of study in introduced in Third semester B.Com of all universities of Karnataka. The syllabus includes topics on need to become entrepreneur, promoting entrepreneur enterprise setup, monitoring and maintaining an enterprise and Caselet discussion.


Contents –

1. Entrepreneurship — An Overview
Module – I: Introduction
2. Becoming an Entrepreneur
3. Personalityfeasibility Analysis and Report
4. Business Model
Module – II: Promoting Entrepreneur
5. Promoting Entrepreneur
Module – III: Enterprise Set-Up
6. Setting Up Enterprises
Module – IV: Monitoring and Maintaining an Enterprise
7. Monitoring and Maintaining Enterprise
8. Government Schemes Supporting Entrepreneurship
9. Specialised Institutions Supporting Entrepreneurs
Module – V: Caselets Discussion
10. Caselets Discussion


Year of publication










Prof. H.A. Bhaskar,

Prof. H.R. Appannaiah


Himalaya pub