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Principles of Management


SKU: 784685208e2f Category:

Principles of Management is a paper to commerce and management students. This book covers the syllabi of all the Indian Universities at the maximum. This book is written from the point of view of students in simple language. The concept of management is explained in a detailed manner. The subject matter of this book has been collected from various authentic literature. With a view of facilitating proper understanding of concepts, the concepts are defined with the help of a large number of definitions. Eminent authors comments are incorporated in appropriate places throughout the book.

A good book is free from technical and uncommon words as far as possible. Block letters are used to differentiate the point from the explanation. Model questions are given at the end of each chapter on order to help the students to prepare for the examination. The author will be very thankful to readers if they offer constructive suggestions for improvement of this book.


Contents :

1. Nature of Management
2. Development of Management Thought
3. Approaches to Management
4. Policy, Procedures, Methods and Rule
5. Planning
6. Forecasting
7. Objectives and Mbo
8. Decision-Making
9. Organisation
10. Delegation of Authority and Decentralisation
11. Departmentation
12. Span of Management
13. Types of Forganisation
14. Organisation and Manuals
15. Ataffing
16. Performance Appraisal
17. Training and Development
18. Job Analysis and Evaluation
19. Directing
20. Motivation
21. Leadeship
22. Supervision
23. Communication
24. Controlling
25. Co-Ordination
26. Management Audit
27. Business Ethics
28. Operation Research
29. Management Information System
Appendix A − Case Analysis
Appendix B − Objective Type Questions
Appendix C − True Of False




Year of publication





520 (In Grams)

Book Code

Library Dollar Price




T. Ramasamy


Himalaya pub