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Business Communication


SKU: be117cc04e33 Category:

Globalisation and the emergence of new technologies have caused an increase in the importance of communication. With our nation making rapid strides in the fields of communication and technology, it has become essential for students to update themselves with the latest trends and methods.

What encompasses ‘Business Communication’ today has undergone a sea change due to the emergence of a highly competitive business environment and very different working conditions. The challenges that face business communication today are multifarious and strikingly different than what they were a couple of years ago. But if that has made us better communicators is a question that needs to be answered. Business Communication continues to be important, as businesses today, more than ever demand that managers be effective communicators.

The traditional topics that have been at the core of the Business Communication, still continue to be important in the current work environment. These prominently include models of communication, communication at workplace, business ethics, barriers to communication, listening, writing a job application, business letters and commercial terms used in business communication. These traditional areas need to be supplemented with more relevant topics such as technology enabled communication, business etiquette keeping in view global communication, communication with the media, organising events, seminars, press conferences, etc.

This book also prepares the learners for the accelerated pace of business communication by clearly connecting every aspect to the workplace. It is a humble effort to initiate the learners into the threshold of facing interviews, written communication in the form of letters, reports, and news releases along with drafting of notice, agenda and resolutions.


Contents –

Unit 1: Theory of Communication
1: Concept of Communication
2: Impact of Technology Enabled Communication
3: Communication at Workplace
4: Business Ethics
5: Barriers to Communication
6: Listening
Unit 2: Business Correspondence
7: Theory of Business Letter Writing
8: Personnel Correspondence
Unit 3: Language and Writing Skills
9: Commercial Terms
10: Paragraph Writing
Unit I: Group Communication
1: Interviews
2: Meetings
3: Committees and Conferences
4: Public Relations
Unit II: Business Correspondence
5: Trade Letters
Unit III: Language and Writing Skills
6: Reports and Business Proposals
7: Summarization
8: Tutorial Activities




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Chippy S. Bobby,

Muktha M. Jacob,

Shefali Naranje


Himalaya pub